明日、PIERSにて、弊社株式会社 科学技術研究所 藤田明希、三角哲平&武藤拓人による口頭発表が行われます。タイトルは下記の通りです。
PIERS 2018 (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium)
4th Aug, 2018 A.M. 08:50
Visualization of the Electrical Field in the Vicinity of a THz Pulse Exposed Cell with FDTD Simulation
• Aki Fujita (Science and Technology Research Inst. Co.)
4th Aug, 2018 16:40 –
FDTD Analysis of the Complex Current Distribution on a Circular Disk Exposed to a Plane EM Wave with Oblique Incident Angle
• Takuto Muto (Science and Technology Inst., Co.) and Teppei Misumi (Science and Technology Inst., Co.)