
フナムシ(船虫、学名:Ligia exotica)とは、日本全国のみならず世界中の海岸で見られるゴキブリに似たワラジムシ目フナムシ科フナムシ属の節足動物です。
The cause is unknown, but “wharf roach” is frequently searched for on the Kagiken Web.
The Ligia exotica is the “big nuisance” of the seashore, cleaning up krill, pieces of algae, and fish left on the seashore by anglers who don’t care about the fish. Here is the location of the page along with a video taken by Aki.
Ligia exotica(sea roach) is an arthropod in the family Liginidae, similar to cockroaches, found on beaches not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world. It is not an insect, but a type of crustacean in the family of shrimps and crabs.