
We have gathered pink flowers that bloom in July. Although these flowers appear pink to the human eye, what color do they appear to bees, the creatures that flowers most want to attract?
Bees and humans perceive colors differently. Bees cannot see red but can see yellow, greenish-blue, blue, and ultraviolet light. Additionally, pink is not a color that appears in the single spectrum of seven colors in a rainbow. It is a composite color made by combining red and purple. It is unclear whether bees can recognize pink.
Ultimately, what is important to bees is not the color of the flower but the location of the flower’s center, which produces nectar. Nectar glands absorb a lot of ultraviolet light and appear black, which bees instinctively or learned to recognize as the spot to find nectar.
For humans, flower color is a way to perceive, classify, and enjoy flowers. It can be said that flower color serves as a standard for humans. Here are pink flowers that bloom in July.
We have gathered pink flowers that bloom in July. Although these flowers appear pink to the human eye, what color do they appear to bees, the creatures that flowers most want to attract?
Bees and humans perceive colors differently. Bees cannot see red but can see yellow, greenish-blue, blue, and ultraviolet light. Additionally, pink is not a color that appears in the single spectrum of seven colors in a rainbow. It is a composite color made by combining red and purple. It is unclear whether bees can recognize pink.
Ultimately, what is important to bees is not the color of the flower but the location of the flower’s center, which produces nectar. Nectar glands absorb a lot of ultraviolet light and appear black, which bees instinctively or learned to recognize as the spot to find nectar.
For humans, flower color is a way to perceive, classify, and enjoy flowers. It can be said that flower color serves as a standard for humans.
【特集】7月のピンクの花-1紹介 かぎけん花図鑑 花日記2024年7月17日(水)、
Feature: Pink Flowers part.1 in July